Scissor lifts & Boom Lifts

Ph:1300 009 410          E:info@ewpts.com.au 

The Importance of Carrying out a daily pre-use inspection

Pre-use inspection could prevent a serious or fatal injury

From information gathered from incidents & observations of trained operators working with EWP's on site it is quite obvious that pre-inspections are often overlooked or totally ignored by those using & operating EWPs.

The importance of carrying out a Pre-inspection on all work equipment cannot be over emphasised.

The manufacturers of EWPs list the Pre-inspections in the operators manual, which is supplied with the machine.

Operators who have undertaken recognised training courses have been trained to carry out Pre-inspections of their machines before each use which not only fulfils a legal requirement but is also a simple and effective safety measure that could prevent an accident.

Checks should be carried out by the trained operator prior to operating the machine. Refering to the operator's manual for the list of pre-inspection & function test of ground & platform controls.

Checks should be recorded in the Logbook, signed, dated before any work starts.
Any faults found should be reported to the owner of the equipment so that they can arrange for the necessary repairs to be carried out.



Pre-inspection's could prevent a serious or fatal injury happening in your workplace.


Please ensure your operators are conducting a proper pre-inspection of the EWP as they have been trained to do.



About the Author

EWP TS Admin

EWP TS Admin

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