Scissor lifts & Boom Lifts

Ph:1300 009 410          E:info@ewpts.com.au 


Plan, Plan, Plan...

Working close to overhead structures should be regarded as a “higher risk” EWP operation.
If you are expected to carry out this sort of work, you should ensure that the following issues have been properly addressed, and that management has explained the steps taken to minimize trapping/crushing risks in a pre-start briefing.

If in doubt, ask!


1.Plan the EWP route carefully
a) Keep a sensible distance from obstructions

The route taken by the EWP should ideally be planned so as to keep a sensible distance between the EWP and any overhead obstruction. This distance will need to be greater for a boom-type EWP being driven at height to allow for the possible “bounce” and “see-saw” effects.

b) Avoid the drive/elevate/slew controls when close to an obstruction

If working close to an overhead obstruction is unavoidable, it is strongly recommended that, where possible, only the fine-positioning controls of a boom-type EWP should be used. Once the EWP is close to the obstruction the “coarser” drive, elevate and slew controls should be avoided.

c) Driving at height should be the last resort

Driving a boom-type EWP at height should be the maneuver of last resort when positioning the platform close to an overhead obstruction since it can create unexpected movements that make fine adjustment of the platform position difficult to achieve.
If driving at height is considered the least risk option, booms should be driven at their slowest speeds (this is of particular relevance at lower heights, when drive speeds are faster).
Movements should always be slow, deliberate and planned. This is achieved by careful use of the EWPs proportional controls.

2.Select EWP carefully
It is important to ensure the EWP selected is suitable for the specific maneuver to be carried out if working close to an overhead obstruction.

* Reach of machine - ideally, it is better not to operate close to the limit of the machines “operating envelope”

* Clearance - ensure EWP and platform are not too large for the spaces in which the machine must be operated

3.Ensure familiarization is specific
It is essential that appropriately trained operators receive a familiarization that is specific to the EWP they plan to use, conducted in a low-risk area away from overhead structures.
Personnel on the ground, who are competent to lower the EWP in an emergency, should undergo familiarization with the emergency and ground controls and practice emergency lowering procedures at regular intervals in accordance with the emergency rescue plan.

In addition to familiarity with the normal operating controls of the EWP, the minimum standard for each operator is to fully understand:

* Emergency Descent Controls – how to use the emergency lowering controls, both under power and auxiliary modes including how the controls work once the load cell has been activated

* “Dead Man” Controls (e.g. foot pedals) – what happens if you remove your foot from the foot pedal and re-insert in a simulated “slumped over the controls” situation?

* Operating Past the 90 Degree Position: how do the controls work when a boom-type EWP is slewed past the 90 degree position?

4.Ensure good ground conditions

Ground conditions should be suitable for the safe operation of the machine. The ground should where possible be relatively level and compacted with no obstructions in the operating zone.

All trenches, column bases and pits should be identified and protected.
If ground conditions are poor, do not operate the EWP.

5.Ensure good visibility at height
When working inside the building, and at times of low light (e.g. in winter months or in poor weather), adequate lighting should be provided or work suspended.

6. Minimize distractions
Distractions in the platform/basket, such as mobile phones and trailing cables should be strongly discouraged. Loose materials on the EWP handrails or in the basket of the EWP should be prohibited and should be carried in approved containers and/or using approved materials handling attachments.

Distractions on the ground (people or objects near the EWP base) should be removed before operating and exclusion zones complied with.

7.Do not obstruct EWP controls

Basket controls: basket/platform hand and foot controls should not be obstructed. Tools and materials which could obstruct the controls should not be placed on the EWP control panel but stored in approved containers and and/or using approved materials handling attachments.
Once in position, consider isolating the power until you need to re-position to reduce the risks of accidental operation.

Emergency lowering controls: these controls could be required to affect an emergency rescue and should not be obstructed by objects on the ground (e.g. operating EWP close to a wall with emergency controls facing the wall).

8.Slow down, don’t crouch over the controls and look!
Slow drive speeds should be used, particularly when reversing
Crouching over the controls significantly reduces the operators margin of safety
Scan the area for obstructions both before and during EWP operation
Do not lean over the guard rails while operating the EWP

9.Do not override the EWP controls or use faulty EWPs

Check that the EWP has a current annual inspection
Check that the EWP is within 90 days or 3 months of its routine servicing
Always perform daily checks
Report all faults
Any faults must be rectified before using EWP
Do not override the controls

10.Rehearse rescue procedure
The following points should have been considered before using the EWP. In extreme cases, and/or where an operation involves repeatedly working close to an obstruction, an observed “dry run” could be appropriate, to look for potential entrapment risks that could result in a rescue being required.

* Ensure ground key available:
The ground key for the EWP should ideally be left in the base unit where this is practicable, or at least quickly available at ground level if not.

* Appoint a ground rescue person:
While the EWP operation is taking place at least one (and as many as is appropriate) designated ground rescue person should be appointed who knows the rescue procedure and has been familiarized with the EWP being used (including emergency rescue controls). They should always be readily available in the event of an emergency.

* Consider how to raise the alarm:
A system must be in place to identify that an operator may have become trapped, particularly for lone workers working close to an overhead structure. This needs very careful consideration if the operator cannot be seen from the ground. Operators must take advice if such a system has not been put in place when a risk of entrapment is present.

* Decide who should effect the rescue and how:
This depends on the complexity of the operation and therefore the relative risk of effecting a rescue from the ground compared to the risk of an operator, possibly in a state of panic, trying to rescue himself. It also depends on how the controls for the specific EWP being used function.

The order of priority should be:

1. Operator: the operator, or other competent people in the basket, should try to rescue themselves by re-tracing the steps they took in reverse order.

2. Ground staff: if visibility and understanding of situation from the ground are good, ground staff should effect a rescue using the ground controls in the following order:
• auxiliary power at first which gives the slowest and most controlled maneuver of the boom until it is obvious that the basket is clear of any obstructions at height.
• powered descent: once clear of obstructions, it is then recommended to switch to powered descent to maximize the speed of recovery.

3. Another EWP: In some situations the use of another EWP to gain access to the platform may be the safest option. This will only be acceptable if such rescue has been planned and includes means of transferring between platforms which prevents anyone falling.

Reference: International Power Access Federation (2011). "Best Practice Guidance for EWPs Avoiding Trapping / Crushing Injuries to People in the Platform".

About the Author

EWP TS Admin

EWP TS Admin

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