Scissor lifts & Boom Lifts

Ph:1300 009 410          E:info@ewpts.com.au 


EWPAmeetingThe EWPA NSW general meeting was held on Thursday, 26 May The meeting had a great turn-out and provided valuable information on Emergency Recovery Systems with guest speaker Robbie Wilkinson from Wenn Wilkinson & Associates.

Robbie discussed emergency safety decent procedures and the importance of retrieval systems;

  • Every machine must have a platform retrieval system for emergencies.
  • Always use the lower controls as the first option for retrieving the platform.
  • If other systems have been activated on the machine it may require additional emergency controls to be utilised. Decals identifying these emergency controls should be displayed next to the controls.
  • If the emergency stop button is pressed, the emergency controls still work to lower the platform.
  • You should never add systems to a machine that can jeopardise the safety of the machine.
  • If the key to the ground controls can be removed with the platform in position, it is not compliant with the latest standards. Be aware that this non-compliance will be common in machines manufactured pre-2011.

Question – When does a Standard become law?
Answer – Whilst not specifically law, the Standards are the first step in satisfying the requirements of OHS/WHS legislation (which is law). Failure to meet the standards can be viewed as a failure to meet the intent of relevant legislation.