Scissor lifts & Boom Lifts

Ph:1300 009 410          E:info@ewpts.com.au 

How much training do Managers/Supervisors need?

The need for operator training is a given, but it’s also important that managers/supervisors get the knowledge and practice they need to ensure job site safety.

Employers must understand their responsibility to ensure they meet all their WHS, OHS legal obligations.

Employees also need to make sure they are compliant with all of the policies and programs provided to them, and it is in their own interest to work safely.

However at the end of the day, legally, the employer is responsible for the safety of the operator.


So where does that leave the role of the managers/supervisors?

What does he or she need to know about the safe use of EWPS?

Introduction to the actual machine: walk around and familiarisation with MEWP.

Major components: identification of each component and its function.

Pre-use checks and inspection: carry out all the required checks/inspections on tyres, main chassis, turntable, fluid levels, hoses, electrical cables, booms/scissor stack, platform security, brakes, steering, lights, travel, controls, (lower/upper), pins/retaining bolts and decals and additional points from the machine operations manual.

Starting and stopping the machine: correct starting and shut down procedures.

Pre-use function checks: fully function the machine and carry out full emergency lowering procedure.

Be aware of the importance of checking a risk assessment against the actual site.
Safe operating methods and hazard awareness, EWP set-up, ground conditions, ground bearing pressure, travelling up and down a slope, gradeability, working envelope, pre-operation, observation and smooth operation.

About the Author

EWP TS Admin

EWP TS Admin

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