Scissor lifts & Boom Lifts

Ph:1300 009 410          E:info@ewpts.com.au 

What was this Operator thinking?

Supposedly a trained High Risk Work WP operator!

So what was this Operator thinking?

He obviously didn't invest much time in assessing the ground conditions.

Our questions are;

1. Did he consult with other site personnel to assess any potential hazards?

2. Once gouging a trench in the soft ground with the EWP did he think filling the trench was going to solve the issue?

3. Did he really think that bricks or blocks are suitable materials to stabilize the ground or support the weight of a 16 tonne machine with a maximum platform height of 24.50m ?





One of the major contributing factors to EWP incidents is lack of care by operators in identifying and controling hazards.


About the Author

EWP TS Admin

EWP TS Admin

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