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EWPA "Yellow Card" training course upgrade

The EWPA "Yellow Card" course has been revised

As advised in our last edition, the EWPA "Yellow Card" course has been revised to comply with the National Unit of Competency RIIHAN301D and has become effective as of Monday May 11th 2015.

While this new training program may take a little while longer to deliver we believe that the changes have a lot of benefits to both the trainees and the trainer alike.

The benefits as we see them are;

 - A more formative assessment process involving individual and group excercises to allow the trainer to progressively assess the trainees understanding of the material being presented. Of course this also gives the trainees a more interactive role in the training.

 - Although an operators responsibility to identify hazards and minimise risks has always been a feature of the "Yellow Card" course, this new program takes this topic to an even higher level.

 - The training material used in delivering the required information for the course has been revised, in some cases compressed and in other cases expanded. There is now a greater focus on awareness of current issues involving overhead crush hazards and preventative measures also DO's and DON'T's when setting up EWP's on slopes etc. A safe work environment is key. It is also intended that the revised "In class theory" training now allows even more time for practical training, acquiring operational skills and performing more involved practical assessment tasks.

Finally we'd like to stress that the "Yellow Card" course is essentially an "All day" course. Although the time frame for conducting the course may be longer than previous programs, the ultimate goal is "SAFETY".

Regardless we have no intention to revise our rate structure. Please be wary of individuals or organisations offering "CHEAP" or "QUICK" training, either inevitably means compromise.

Compromise could ultimately lead to a less safe workplace for us all.

About the Author

EWP TS Admin

EWP TS Admin

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